I have not forgotten my self challenge! I was dog sitting for the weekend at a friend's house. This post card includes some of my favorite things: my swirl stamp in blue, my sand dollar stamp in tourmaline dream embossing, and use of the dragonfly punch out. This one is going to a new internet friend who has encouraged me in this challenge. But I still think it needs something before I mail it. Hmm. . . I'm off to mull it over and hopefully find some inspiration. Check this image out and tell me if you have an idea about what it needs : another layer, another color, words, etc.
I think your postcard is lovely just as it is but if you wanted to add a little something else how about adding the color of the heart punch out around the edges of the card or the other elements? No doubt your friend will enjoy it no matter what else you do or don't do. I love swirls too!
It's bright and lovely! The only thing I'd suggest is to tie together your 3 images somehow so the eye flows from one to the other. You could do that with a translucent layer overlapping them (maybe a word stamped on vellum?) or a fiber layered and sewn on top? BTW, good for you for setting this challenge for yourself!!! Good job!
Becky A (from you mmartfriends group)
I love this just as is - I had thought maybe adding a shaped button or brad (perhaps to the left corner of the red part), but that may be caught in postal machinery! So maybe a little stitched swirl or heart?
Linda B.
I like the stamps amd colors used I personaly do not think a postcard should have too many elements in such a smalll space and the quilting will add some dimention to it. By the way If you use stiff interfacing in the middle it will not be floopy.
I think the swirls should be thread painted in red - or use red as the binding on the card - a simple satin stitch
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